U.S. - Ukrainian Humanitarian/Refugee Information

  • For U.S. Citizens & Green Gard Holders in Ukraine

    U.S. has set up a crisis support and ability for U.S Citizens and Green Card Holders currently in Ukraine to petition for assistance to come back to U.S.

    Complete this form and follow the instructions provided.

    U.S. citizens seeking to depart Ukraine can also call 1-833-741-2777 (US) or 1-606-260-4379 (oversaes)

  • For Ukrainian Citizens w/ Visa

    If an immediate relative of a U.S. citizen had a pending immigrant visa case in Kyiv, they should contact the Embassy they are closest to for more information about transferring cases.

    If they do not have a pending IV case or do not qualify for an IV, they may reach out to the nearest Embassy about applying for a nonimmigrant visa if they qualify.

  • For Family Members in U.S

    If you are trying to bring a relative over to U.S., here are a few options available at this time.

    1. Family Immigration, to learn more click HERE.

    2. Humanitarian Parole, to learn more click HERE.


  • Short answer is no. However, their are a few options that exist for coming to U.S.

    1. Family Immigration, to learn more click HERE.

    2. Humanitarian Parole, to learn more click HERE.

  • The State Department was very clear in a telebriefing yesterday that they are focusing their efforts on providing relocation assistance for Americans and cannot guide Ukrainians regarding asylum or refugee options.

  • The State Department has stated that they are working with European allies and partners, as well as international organizations and NGOs, "to support those displaced internally within Ukraine and those who may seek safety in neighboring countries."

    Humanitarian parole cases (USCIS) or refugee processes are an option, otherwise, immigrant visa petitions are the only option with the State Department. Posts can accept Immigrant Visa petitions in the field and they are staffing the U.S.

  • Unfortunately, at this time U.S. is not focusing on accommodating this.